How Getting Outside Can Remind You of Who You Want to Be

getting outside can remind you of who you want to be

Happy Monday!! I hope that you had an amazing weekend filled with fun in the sun!! The weather here in Toronto was gorgeous for most of the weekend though we did have some rain. The grass appreciated it even if my hair didn’t – frizz central!!

One of my favourite things to do is to go outside and take a walk. Something that I was lucky enough to get to do a lot of over the weekend.

Getting outside Can Remind you of who you want to be

Last week I came back from another silent retreat, and I am actually heading out to another one next week! I know, how can one person spend so much time in silence? What I love best about these retreats, in fact what I love about all of my retreats is that there is so much opportunity to be out in nature.

Whether it is walking to and from my sleeping quarters to the meditation hall or just spending some time engaged in a mindful walking meditation, I love to be outside. These retreat centres also tend to be in secluded areas where you are surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers! Love it!!

The Frugal Fashionista: How Getting Outside Can Remind You of Who You Want to Be

Just look at these beautiful flowers that I found on one of my walks!

My last retreat was only about an hour outside of the city of Toronto but you wouldn’t think that based on how much greenery there was. The trees were HUGE and the number of stars that you could see at night! #swoon

For me, when I am outside, I have the opportunity to reconnect with nature and to get back to a simpler frame of mind. When it is quiet and peaceful it is so much easier to let go of all of the hustle and bustle that goes on day after day.

Being outside for a walking meditation also gives me the chance to stop and reconnect with myself. I can take the opportunity to get some fresh air, to breathe and to remember who I am and who I want to be.

Getting outside can remind you of who you want to be because taking a walk in the fresh air can help to blow the proverbial cobwebs out of your mind and to take you back to what really matters – YOU!

We can get so caught up in our day to day lives that we forget about ourselves. We put aside who we are and who we want to be. Getting rid of the cobwebs can give us the chance to remember.

For me, when I am outside, my head gets clearer and I am able to put things into perspective. Problems no longer seem so insurmountable. Solutions come easier. And if I am feeling angry or frustrated, well, those feelings start to diminish because I am being mindful and I can return to the present moment.

So, the next time you are feeling lost, go outside and take a walk. Maybe it will be exactly what you need to remember who you want to be.

Charlene xoxo

The Frugal Fashionista: How Getting Outside Can Remind You of Who You Want to Be

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