Guest Post – Lies That Are Preventing You From Fully Living

Good morning! How was your weekend? I hope you ticked off all the important things on your weekend to do list:

Drink coffee 

Spend time with loved ones 

Sipped some cocktails 

Slept in 

I may not have slept in this weekend but I made up for that this morning hence this blog post going out a few (4) hours later than normal. Ah well, c’est la vie.

Today I have something a little special for you!! Samara from My Adventure Called Life and I linked up online and decided to each guest post on the others blog. We have very similar blogging styles so I know that my readers will respond well to this post. What I love about her post for me is that it follows up on something that I have already touched on here before. I really love what Samara has to say so please check out her post below:

Lies That Are Preventing You From Fully Living

By Samara

lies that are preventing you from fully living

I am a HUGE advocate for identity, empowerment, and self confidence. Often the things we are most passionate about are things that we have struggled with. These are three areas I have definitely had to overcome, and still, at times, struggle with. Everyone at some point – often more times than not – have things in their life that they don’t like. They see others, are jealous, or say “I wish I was like this person!” or “I am so _________”.

It is heart breaking to see people around you not see themselves for who they are, or less than they are. When we see people and the potential they have, yet they do not see it themselves. There are a couple lies that you, or someone you know needs to stop believing. I am going to talk about just two, but two that could possibly change your life.

First. “I am not good enough”

Who made you believe that you are not qualified, not able, or less than the people around you. This is completely untrue, and needs to be squashed, instantly. You ARE good enough. You are just as unique than other everyone around you. There is a quote that I want to share with you – I saw it on a t-shirt. It was this.

“Trying to be someone else, is a waste of the person you are.”

There is so much truth in this quote. You were created unique, unlike anyone else around. You can do things that others cannot, and were given passions that others do not have. Although you will find like-minded people, you are not the same. That makes you special, and worthy of being good enough. Without you, someone would be missing. Don’t try to be someone else when you were created uniquely you. Just be yourself, and embrace who you are. Embrace the one you are, and try to be the best version possible. Love yourself, love others, explore what you love, and who YOU are, and be excellent at it. You are worthy. You are worth every moment you pour into getting to know yourself. You are also worthy of being loved, first by yourself, and by those around you. Next I want to talk about ability.

Second. “I CAN’T do it.”

A common line among many people, and probably one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is hearing it. Not that I never say it – sometimes I do, but I cringe even I hear it out of my own mouth.

The first step to success, or accomplishing something is the belief that you can do it. There are power in your words. The more we say them, the more our actions, and abilities will follow them. The more you say you cannot do something, the more likely you are to not be able to do it. The more you say you CAN do it, the more likely you will be able to achieve what you are trying to do.

Let me give you an example.

I grew up in a very athletic family. I grew up with not only siblings, but cousins, and friends who all loved, and were good at sports. I have in it me to be athletic. I have 5 siblings, and when you grow up in that environment, it is not possible to not inherit the ability to play sports. The problem. I was scared, and told myself everyone else was better, and that I couldn’t do it. I believed this my whole if, and it prevented me from joining in .The moments where I allowed myself to, people would always be amazed at how much potential I had. The only one who didn’t see it was me. It affected my whole life, and it was not until I was in my 20’s that I actually participated. I missed out on so much in highschool because I continuously told myself I couldn’t do it. Once I recognized this and started changing my thoughts to “I can do this” – I gained more confidence, and surprised myself at what I really could do. It is just sad that it took me so many years to realize this. Who knows what I would have done.

Change your words. Change your mindset of what you believe about yourself. Get to know who you are, understand you can do anything you put your mind to, and live like you believe it even when you do not. I am not saying ignore insecurities, and pretend they are not there. I am saying acknowledge them, and start shifting your beliefs. Write down the insecurities, and then counteract it with the truth.

“The more positively we think, the more positively we speak. The more positively we speak, the more positively we live.”

Be positive. About life, but first about you. Recognize your strengths, your gifts, and your abilities. Use them, embrace them, and do not be ashamed by them. It is not prideful to realize you are good at something, and say it. It is confidence, and awareness of who you truly are.

“When we say it about ourselves we are giving others permission to say it also.”

What are you saying about yourself? Instead of “you CAN’T” say “I CAN”. Instead of “I am not good enough” say “I AM good enough” — the more you say it the more you will believe it.

Like I have said so many time before;

“Confident people are the best looking people. Not because of how they look physically, but because of how they look internally which reflects externally.”

It has nothing to do with their appearance, but their inner view of themselves. It changes the way they look to others, and to themselves. Carry yourself with confidence. Find who YOU are, and love that person. It is not worth trying to be someone else when you were created as YOU!

Thank you so much Samara for guest posting on my blog!! 🙂 Please head over to her blog and check it out!

Charlene xoxo

lies that are preventing you from fully living

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