10 Daily Habits to Help You Lead a More Productive Life

Now that you’ve learned how to never be late again ;), I thought it would be a good idea to share some tips to help you lead a more productive life.

10 simple, but effective, tips that you can start to practice. Being mindful and working from a place of intent can help you to be more productive.

10 Habits to lead a more productive life


  1. Have a morning routine. I like to get up, stretch, head to the kitchen, make a cup of coffee and have my breakfast. After I eat, I take some time to do some work for the blog. I then either head to the gym or to work and start my day. It’s a nice way for me to ease into my work day.
  2. Learn how to delegate and ask for help. This one isn’t as easy. I tend to offer to help people all the time but I’m not as good as accepting help from others.
  3. Start a gratitude journal. Remembering all of the people and things that have helped you throughout the day is a great way to stay positive. When you are feeling down you can always pull it out to remember the good things in life. It might be hard to remember some times but even amongst the bad there is still some good.
  4. Avoid distractions!! Social media is great and all but if you want to be productive you need to log out and focus!!
  5. Find balance. Burning the candle at both ends is a sure-fire way to burn out. Find the balance between pursuing success and taking a well deserved break.
  6. Network. Meeting other people in your field is a great way to be more successful. You might even find someone who has the answer to that pesky problem that has been bugging you!
  7. Your to-do list. I can’t think of anything that makes me feel more productive and successful than ticking items off of my to-do list.
  8. Keep learning. I’m finishing up my masters right now and my uncle jokes that I’ll have ore letters after my name than in my name!! lol. Learning a new skill and constantly training is a great way to be more productive and successful in the workplace. I’ve been investing in some course to help me with my blog. Learning more about the ins and outs of the blogging world has been a great way to help grow my blog! I’m already seeing positive results from the few changes I’ve made so far!
  9. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you! I’m definitely not like everyone else around me. It takes me a lot longer to accomplish my tasks than most people. So, I work at a pace that is right for me. Comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of jealousy. Ignoring them and focusing on your own goals is a much more productive way to be. 
  10. Be professional and respectful. The impression that you make with others will definitely impact your future success. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou 


These 10 habits are deceptively simple but by adding them to your life you can start to lead a more productive life. When you are more productive, you can get more accomplished. You will also be more successful.


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