10 truths for Thursday

Good afternoon! I’ve decided to start getting more personal on the blog so that you guys can get to know me a little better. So to start off I thought I would do a list of ten things about me

  1. I am the youngest of three children. I have an older brother who is married with 2 kids and a sister (the middle child) who is married with a newborn baby!!
  2. Before my accident, I was working as a Child and Youth Worker, in a job I loved, with children and adolescents with Autism. My job was very physically demanding and stressful so my doctors won’t approve me to return to work until I am stronger and further along in my recovery.
  3. So, during my recovery time, in addition to this blog, I am working on getting my Masters in Counselling Psychology. I’m taking it through an online program which allows me to take as many breaks as I need to. It’s part of my rehab as a way to retrain my brain and I have definitely seen a difference from when I started to now.
  4. I have one tattoo, it’s on the back of my neck and it’s the Chinese symbol for dance.                                                                                                                                                      47701_461028918473_6862835_n                                                                                                                                    It took me forever to pick a tattoo that I would want on my body forever and I am really happy with the one that I got. I chose the symbol for dance because…
  5. for twenty years, I was a competitive Irish Dancer – I loved it!! I traveled around Canada and the U.S. competing in Feis’s (competitions) and I even had the chance to compete at the World’s in Ireland and Scotland!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1923307_516079581031_5666_n
  6. I love to travel, I haven’t been anywhere since my accident but once I am stronger I am planning a trip to Ireland to visit my family there.
  7. Growing up I was super shy. I wouldn’t talk in class or do anything to draw attention to myself which is funny because I love to…
  8. act! I was in the drama program in high school and acted in several plays. I even was a part of an Irish Dance show in Toronto when I was younger. I love being on stage. Work commitments have always prevented me from pursuing my hobby but who knows what the future might hold!
  9. I used to drink a LOT of coffee – like six cups a day! Last December one of my Doctors sent me to a holistic nutritionist who took me off of everything that I loved including caffeine. No gluten, no sugar, no dairy and no coffee!! It was so hard and you did not want to be around me when I first started this – I was cranky! Almost one year later and I still don’t drink coffee or anything with caffeine. For the most part I am still off of gluten, dairy and sugar as well.
  10. My two favourite hobbies are reading and scrapbooking. I have so many scrapbooks! It’s a fun way to preserve my memories and souvenirs for the places that I have been.

Thanks for reading! I hope that you will share something about yourself in the comments below

Charlene xoxo

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