Friday’s Fab Find – Kate Spade Crossbody Bag

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When I was a kid, pink was my FAVOURITE colour! I loved pink, everything had to be pink, pink, pink! My bedroom was pink, most of my clothes were pink, I even talked about one day living in a pink house and driving a pink car. Apparently, I wanted to live in Barbie’s dream house when I got older! 😉 Since I liked pink so much, everyone kept buying me things that were pink. Eventually it became too much and I stopped liking pink. I no longer wanted anything to do with pink. I was sick of it to the point where I would say “I HATE pink!!” This went on for years. With time I moved on to other colours like purple and then my current favourite blue and slowly, as the years went on, pink started making a reemergence in my life.

Now, I am back to liking pink again, and if you look at my closet there is no one colour that dominates. Though to be honest, I do have a number of items in cerulean blue, but they are all very different (at least that’s what I tell myself). When I was looking at getting a new purse, I knew that I wanted to get a pink one. This way, whatever outfit I was wearing the purse would give it a pop of colour. I also had a particular shade in mind which after much searching, I found this cross body by Kate Spade. And it’s currently on sale!! What I love about this purse is that it can be worn cross body or it can be carried by the straps. I’m still at the point where I can’t wear a bag across my shoulders as it pulls too much on my neck so having the option to switch to the straps is perfect for me. It’s also a decent size, small enough to not be overwhelming, but big enough to carry what you need throughout the day. This bag has already made several appearances in my Instagram feed and I am sure that it is not going anywhere soon! 🙂

Charlene xoxo

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