New Look – Annabelle eye shadow

I’ve noticed lately that when it comes to my makeup routine, I’m in a bit of a rut. I keep going back to the same tried and true looks. There is the everyday look and then there is my going out look and the two never really vary. Neutral brown eye shadows with mascara and lip-gloss is my go-to look, it’s simple and pretty and it gets the job done. Now though, I’m trying to expand my horizons and amp up my look.

My first step is with my eye makeup. I often believe that I am the kind of person who can take a chance and try something new based on the latest trends but the reality is that I may consider it but I rarely ever follow through and put these plans into action. Which is why I have a series of eye colours that never see the light of day and I’ve decided to change that.

First up, Annabelle single eye shadow in Vert-to-Go. How did I chose this colour? The same way most people find a new look – I saw a friend rocking some green eye shadow, and thought that looks pretty, I should try it! So I picked up this little beauty from Annabelle, put it in my makeup drawer for my next night out and promptly forgot all about it. Until now.


Product Description: Annabelle Single Eye shadow

With Annabelle’s many colours and different finishes, you are sure to find the perfect eyeshadow in the blink of an eye. Annabelle’s highly pigmented powders are long-lasting and available in ultra-fine, silky textures: matte for a velvety colour, pearl for a soft shine, shimmering for a luminous and subtle shine, metallic for intense luminance


I decided to give this eye shadow a whirl the other day. I grabbed my trusty eye shadow brush and swiped the powder over the entire lid. Annabelle eye shadow goes on smooth, and the colour builds as you keep layering to achieve the perfect intensity that you are after. As I was experimenting with a day look, I kept a light hand with my application. Whenever you experiment with a new colour of eye shadow, I recommend you complete your entire face before making any decisions about the product. You won’t get a true picture of how it looks on you otherwise. After sweeping on the shadow, I finished off with some dark brown eye liner and a single coat of mascara. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with this product! Using a green shadow is a nice alternative to a smoky eyed look and keeps it fresh and simple for day. To amp the look up for night, I would suggest building up the colour with another swipe or two and switching out the brown eye liner for a black for more impact.


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