As part of our trip, we spent a lot of our time visiting with my mom’s brothers and sisters that still live in Ireland. On one day, my Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Jimmy picked us up and brought us out to Ashford Castle and they also took us out to visit Cong. Visiting Cong was
Follow The 80:20 Rule If You Want To Meet Your Health Goals
As part of my ongoing healing process, I tried a lot of different treatments. With nothing working, at the time my doctors decided that maybe there was something systemically wrong. So we decided that the next step was to focus on changing my diet as a way to improve my health. At the time of
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Ireland Travel Diary: The Dark Hedges
On my trip to Northern Ireland, I visited the Giant’s Causeway, the rope bridge and our last stop was the Dark Hedges. I’ve never seen Game of Thrones (I don’t get HBO) but visiting the Dark Hedges was the main reason I went on this tour. Before our trip I spent some time on Pinterest
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What Happened When I Started Drinking Coffee Again After a Year
The Oscars were last night and they definitely weren’t boring!! Viola Davis and Emma Stone are two of my favourites so I was glad to see them win. Plus they both looked gorgeous!! What happened with the Best Picture announcement?? Watching that was cringeworthy. What Happened When I started drinking coffee again As I shared
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Instagram Lately: Some of my Recent Posts
It’s hard to believe that it’s the last Friday in February!! Where has the time gone? Life has been pretty busy for me lately with school and homework so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. This Instagram lately post is a collection of some of my posts over the last two months.