I can’t believe how quickly this summer is going!! It’s already the second week in August and before you know it, it will be September. September always makes me think of going back to school. This September I will, in a way, be headed back to school as I am starting the last phase of my masters. It will be time for me to start my practicum!!
I have two more trips planned before my practicum. Later this month I will be heading to Massachusetts for the last phase of my Mindfulness training. When this is complete I will be qualified to start teaching the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program. Yay!! Three days after I come home I will be heading out again. This time, my parents and I will be heading to Ireland for my cousins wedding and my first real vacation in 4 years! I can’t wait.
With everything that I have coming up it’s time to sit down and start planning for the future.
Planning for the Future

Since my schedule will be changing it is time for me to really sit down and start planning everything out. I have so many ideas for things that I want to do here on the blog. I also have some things to do to get ready for my training and for my practicum. Plus packing for both trips and doing my regular chores around my condo.
Speaking of the condo, there will be some big changes happening there over the next few months. Up to now I have been living with a roommate, one of my best friends, but she will be moving out so that she can live with her boyfriend. It’s the end of an era 🙁
Other than the three years I was recovering at my parents, we have lived together for 7 years!! It will be weird living on my own as I have never done it before, but I’m also a little excited about it!
With her moving out I will be doing some redecorating so you can look forward to seeing some of that on here.
As I said, I have a lot of planning to do so that I can fit everything in. I’m taking this week to write everything down in my planner so that I don’t miss any deadlines. I’m also implementing an editorial calendar for the blog so that I can stay on top of things here. I have a LOT of notes and pages of ideas and now I just need to find the time to start implementing them!!
It feels good to be so busy. For the longest time I didn’t do much but now I am slowly working on building up my strength so that I can get back to doing the things that I love. My recovery has been (and still is) pretty slow, and things take me a long time to complete, but I am learning how to adapt to the new me. I am still very much a work in progress but I am starting to see it take shape.
Do you have any plans for the fall? Let me know in the comments below.
Charlene xoxo
Great tips! I love staying organized, especially with my blog. Love that Blog Boss Babe mug too!
Thanks Chelsea!! If I didn’t plan everything out and attempt to stay organized I would go nuts!! lol
It will be so fun to live alone and do some redecorating!
Fizz and Frosting
Thanks Lauren, I’m looking forward to it!
I never lived on my own until like a year after college and I wasn’t completely alone because I moved in with my boyfriend. You’ll have so much decorating and having your own space!
Taylor | http://www.styleiseverythingblog.com
Thanks Taylor! I’m looking forward to doing something different with my place.
You will have so much fun decorating your house and it will be since to live on your own! I wont be moving out for awhile but I’m super excited for when i do move out!
Thanks Bella!! I’m looking forward to decorating it and I think it will be great to live on my own for awhile! Moving out and on can be so exciting!!
I can’t wait to see your choices in redecorating. Maybe it’ll spark some ideas for my plain Jane home.
Thanks Tami!! I’m looking forward to getting started and sharing all about it on the blog
I’ll be watching for it.
oh my gosh! Such exciting things happening… decorating your own place will be so much fun!
Thanks Audrey! I can’t wait to start decorating it!
aww, i actually loved living by myself and I hope you do too. you’ve got this!
Southern Elle Style
Thanks Elle!! I’m looking forward to it!!
Great post lady! Im the same way! I need to have things written down and organized or all heck breaks loose!
Glad to hear that I’m not the only one!!
I always write everything down – makes things so much easier. Also, Ireland sounds like a blast!
Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com
Thanks Amanda! I just landed here in Ireland yesterday and with all of the sightseeing we have planned it will be!!
what a great post- not to mention i am obsessed with that mug!!
Thanks!! I got the mug when I joined the Blog Boss Babe society.
You definitely have a lot going on, lady! I know that I need to write everything down, but I never can keep up with it all.
Molly | Hey There Sunshine
It can sometimes be hard to keep up with all of the tasks I have that if I didn’t write everything down I would be so lost!
It’s so great to hear that you’re busy and thriving. I am a girl who likes to carry a planner that fits easily in any handbag. That’s going to have to change soon, since my fall will be jam packed as well.
I would be lost without my planner!! I can’t wait to hear what you will be up to this fall on your blog!
That is so exciting!! I am right there with you when it comes to having to write it all down!!
Thank you so much Brooke!! xx