The 10 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Your Time On

After my accident, a lot changed for me. It really shifted things and put stuff into perspective. We can often become complacent and spend time on things that don’t really matter. Going through the lengthy recovery and healing process with all of its complications really showed me what matters most. I started to figure out what things I need to stop wasting my time on.

10 tips | Stop Wasting Time | Mindfulness

10 things to stop wasting your time on

10 tips | Stop Wasting Time | Mindfulness

  1. Distractions that keep you from spending time with the people who matter. I speak often about being more mindful, and this is part of that, but it goes beyond just being present. For the longest time, there was very little that I could actually do. I ended up missing out on a lot of the big moments because of my health. I discovered that it’s the little things that matter. My friend dropping by and chatting with me on the couch? That’s more valuable than heading out to a fun place. Going for walks, having great conversations, and even just laughing together. That’s what matters.
  2. Being overly busy. Downtime is SO important. It’s during these times that we can reflect on our day, have a mental rest and recharge for tomorrow.
  3. Negative thinking. One of the big things that I worked on after my accident was remaining positive I had a lot of bad moments but I never let them be bad days. Each moment is different than the last. Remembering that things change, and that nothing last also refers to the difficult and challenging moments.
  4. Drama. I had to let go and walk away from anything that was too much! Worrying and stressing over every little thing including a lot that doesn’t really matter is not for me.
  5. Wanting what you don’t have. Don’t take things for granted. There is someone right now who is wishing for the very things that you have and take for granted. Happiness comes when you start to appreciate what you do have.
  6. Thinking about the person you used to be. I am definitely not the same person I was four years ago. Heck, I’m not the same person I was 4 months ago!! We are constantly growing and changing. Our experiences shift who we are. Life keeps changing. And so do we.
  7. Worrying about mistakes. I’m definitely guilty of this!! I used to be so hard on myself for any mistake or perceived mistake that I made. I wasted a lot of time thinking about these moments. Not in a productive, learn from them kind of way either. Beating yourself up over a mistake is not the way to grow. Take your mistakes and learn from them. Let them motivate you to do things differently the next time.
  8. Dreaming Not Doing. Success comes when you are excited about what you are dong! Find your own path and follow it.
  9. Trying to impress everyone. There is only one person on earth that you need to impress. YOU
  10. Letting fear hold you back. The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of. As Wayne Gretzky says: You miss 100% of the shots that you never take. Fear is the number one thing that can stop you from getting what you want. Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and dive in.

Plus 5 Bonus tips!!

  1. Second guessing yourself. Break down tasks into smaller more manageable tasks. Each step will then be in the right direction and they won’t seem so overwhelming
  2. Negative people. Don’t let other people crush your spirits. Cut ties and move on.
  3. stop waiting for the perfect time. There is no such thing. Start now!
  4. Regrets. maybe there is something that you wish you had done differently. The thing is it’s something that has already happened. Leave the past behind you. You can’t change it. Be here in the present moments
  5. Overthinking. This can overwhelm you and leave you feeling anxious. Mindfulness and meditation are a great way to slow down your mind and to stop overthinking.
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10 tips | Stop Wasting Time | Mindfulness

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