The Beauty of Being Enough

Good morning! I’ll be honest, this morning I am running a little behind schedule. Typically I have my blog written and scheduled to post the night before so that the next morning at 8am it’s live. This weekend, I had a paper due for my masters program which took up a lot of my time. I also spent time checking out some new things for my condo renovation (stayed tuned for that!!) and I had previously agreed to take my dad to a card show. So this weekend was pretty full to say the least.

I could have stayed up late last night to work on it but I had done enough for the day.

The Beauty that can exist when we are enough

Being enough. Doing enough. Instead of striving to do more. To be more. Sometimes we need to just take a step back and to realize that we are enough.

The Frugal Fashionista: The Beauty of Being Enough

The Frugal Fashionista: The Beauty of Being Enough

The Frugal Fashionista: The Beauty of Being Enough

Know your limits and how much you can realistically do in one day.

I make a lot of lists of the different tasks that I want to accomplish. It’s a pretty long list!! I’ve had to take a step back and realize two things.

  1. Not everything needs to be done today
  2. I don’t need to accomplish everything at once

I am at a different place in my accident recovery now than I was a year ago. As I get stronger I am more inclined to want to take on more things. As I touched on before, sometimes you need to say no, to taking on too many things. Related to that, which can be challenging, is accepting the fact that there is only so much you can realistically do well in a single day.

Like, just because I have a lot of goals and things that I want to accomplish in life, it doesn’t mean that I have to do them all this week! That’s a little unrealistic to start with. It’s also a sure fire way to stress myself out.

Striving is something that can be good for us, when it is manageable. It’s important that we try to do our best in everything that we do. I’m not suggesting that we be complacent or mediocre in our tasks. What I am suggesting is that we do what needs to be done without going overboard.

Have you ever planned a party for 10 people and you ended up with enough food to feed 40?!? I mean leftovers are great and everything but cooking enough food to feed 4x the number of guests can be overwhelming.

Enough for everyone to have seconds is plenty.

Striving creates tension and stress. It makes us feel like we are not enough. There is always more that we could be doing. The reality is that we are enough. You are enough! Just the way you are.

If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness and how to incorporate it into your life, sign up below:

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The Frugal Fashionista: The Beauty of Being Enough


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