The Frugal Fashionista Turns 1 + Giveaway

It’s my 1 year blogiversary at the Frugal Fashionista!! It’s hard to believe but a year has gone by since I first started this blog!! I wanted to take a minute to thank all of my readers who have been following along with me on my mindful journey through fashion and life! I really appreciate all of the kind words and support I have received from all my readers this year that I wanted to do something special to mark the occasion. So as a way to say thank you for all of your likes, comments and shares I have decided to do a giveaway!!

1st Blog Anniversary     1st blog anniversary1st blog anniversary

Throughout this past year, I have learned a lot about myself and I have discovered a passion for blogging that I never knew I had. What started out as something fun to do during my accident recovery has become something that is so important to me. I am constantly thinking up new content for the blog and planning outfits and photo opportunities that I think will work well here. Most nights I fall asleep thinking up content!! I also have a notebook that I am constantly writing ideas in – now I just need to take the time to cross them off of my lists!

I really enjoy blogging and I want to make The Frugal Fashionista a success by growing my following. I will be making some changes and adjustments to the blog over time but I won’t veer to far from what the blog has been up to this point. When I first started this blog, I was at a stage in my recovery where I wasn’t able to really be myself on here. I had to keep all mentions of Charlene off the blog and I wasn’t able to share anything about my journey. My photos were all taken from the neck down in order to keep my face hidden and so you wouldn’t be able to see the dressings and bandages on my head. If I wasn’t able to talk about it, it didn’t make sense to show it since people would have been naturally curious. Thankfully, I am now at a point in my journey where that no longer matters. I can open up as much as I am comfortable sharing and I hope that you enjoy learning more about me. Click here to read my first post about my accident if you missed it.

The 1 Year Anniversary Giveaway

Enter below to win a $50CAD gift card to Sephora!!

$50 Sephora Gift Card

Thanks for reading, good luck!!

Charlene xoxo

The Frugal Fashionista Turns 1 – $50 Sephora gift card giveaway

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