3 Things You Need to do at a Conference

Last weekend I attended the Spark Session conference for bloggers in Toronto. A two day event for bloggers and influencers it was filled with panel discussions and workshops. It was also a great opportunity for networking.

When heading to a conference there are 3 things that you need to do.

3 things to do at a conference



  1. Network with brands – A blogger conference is a great opportunity to network and connect with brands. I don’t have much experience working with brands so for me it was a great learning opportunity. They had a speed networking session where we each had the chance to spend 10 minutes with different brands. My first session wasn’t so smooth but by the third I was on a roll!! Take advantage of these opportunities to get some practice and to get your face in front of a brand. It just might lead to a new collaboration.
  2. Network with peers – This conference put me face to face with other bloggers in my area. It was great chance to finally speak to people who I have interacted with on Instagram! Connecting with your peers means that you can reach out to others in your niche for help and support. You can also collaborate with each other on projects. Plus you can always use more friends who support and recognize the work that you do!!
  3. Attend info sessions (and take lots of notes!!) – There were two workshops on the second day. One on photography and another one on SEO. I had previously attended a Spark Session workshop on photography so instead I signed up for the workshop on SEO. I learned a lot of information from our speaker! Having someone with expertise in your field sharing their knowledge is so valuable. You should definitely look into attending one if you can.






Bonus tips: Be prepared!!

Being prepared is not just for the boy scouts!! I came prepared with my business cards and a notebook which I filled with notes. I met so many new and interesting people. I gave out a lot of cards and I came home with some new ones!! I wouldn’t have met some of these people if it wasn’t for this conference. I also learned so much stuff!! Sometimes you just need to hear from other people in your field to spark the creative juices. I have so many great ideas that have been generated after attending this conference!!



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