Monday Mantra: Inhale Confidence

Inhale and breathe, I know it’s Monday but remember you got this!!

inhale confidence exhale doubt, quotes, inspiration, motivation, positive thinking

I just got back last week from 10 days in California and palm trees are definitely still on my mind!

Inhale and Exhale

Since I just returned from a Mindfulness retreat I figured that this would be the perfect mantra for the start of the week. I know that when I get stressed I can start to doubt myself and my abilities. Taking a few deep breaths always helps and I think reminding myself of this mantra during those times will also be effective. Inhale confidence and exhale doubt. I like it as a mantra. It’s quick, simple, to the point and easy to remember.

I’ve suffered from anxiety in one way or another for pretty much my entire life. As a child I was SUPER shy. I would not talk to people I didn’t know and I never spoke up in class. Something my teachers would often point out. Embarrassing but true story: When I was about 3 years old, I was out with my mom in a store and she stopped to talk to the shop-owner who was a friend of hers. I was too shy to speak up and get my mom’s attention to let her know that I had to go to the bathroom and I ended up peeing my pants. I was mortified but the shopkeeper was lovely about the whole thing.

After my motor vehicle accident and since I started practicing Mindfulness I have noticed a huge decrease in my anxiety levels and that I am a lot less shy. At times, I am even, dare I say, confident!! It’s a great feeling. I’ve even approached people I’ve never talked to before (!) and started up conversations (!) – the old me would NEVER do that!! I would be too busy thinking about all the  ‘what ifs” to ever be able to talk to someone.

This week I plan on sharing more about my accident as well as about my trip to California. We did a lot of different types of meditation in my Mindfulness course. I have never meditated so much and for so long before in my life!! I had a great time and I really learned a lot about myself. I can’t wait to share all about it with you guys!

Charlene xoxo



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