Ireland Travel Guide: Visiting The Giant’s Causeway

During my recent trip to Ireland, I planned a day trip to the North of Ireland. Part of my plan was to spend time visiting the Giant’s Causeway.

The Giant’s Causeway is located in County Antrim on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland. It is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns and is the result of a volcanic eruption. However, the legend tells a different story.

The Legend

According to the legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant. The story goes that the Irish giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool) was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner. Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway so that the two giants could meet.

One version has Fionn defeating Benandonner. In another he hides from Benandonner when he realizes that his foe is bigger than he. Fionn’s wife disguises Fionn as baby and tucks him into a cradle. When Benandonner sees the size of the ‘baby’ he figures that Fionn must be massive and runs back to Scotland destroying the causeway behind him so that Fionn can’t follow him.

Across the sea on the Scottish isle of Staffa there are identical basalt columns at Fingal’s cave which help to influence this legend.

The Irish sure do like their legends!!

Visiting the giant’s causeway

My dad decided to sit this trip out because I wore him out on our last day trip!! So it was a mother daughter road trip.

We caught the bus super early out of Dublin and headed on our way.

As part of the legend, there are clues left behind by Fionn so make sure you keep your eyes open!!

Clues include the Giant’s Boot, the Organ and the Wishing Chair.

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway


visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway



visiting the giant's causeway

visiting the giant's causeway

It might have been really sunny the day we went to the Causeway but it was also super windy!!

We had a great time at the Giant’s Causeway. Seeing all of the different formations, or “clues” was really cool. My favourite is the camel.

This was my second time visiting the Giant’s Causeway. I went the first time back in 2011 during my visit with my family. The sights were just as impressive back then as they were on this trip. It was super windy that day too.

The Giant’s Causeway was only one stop on our trip. I will be sharing more about our tour over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!!


visiting the giant's causeway

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