New Year, New You – Resolutions

It’s hard to believe that the first week of the new year is almost over!! Every year I make a list of resolutions and plans for myself and this year is no exception. However this year my focus has changed and my goals/resolutions are to focus on doing things that are better for my health and my future. I plan on spending this year rebuilding my strength and my endurance so that I can accomplish more tasks. I still get so tired and rundown very easily. Stress just knocks me out and I have to be really careful that I don’t take on too many things in a day. I also have to be very careful with my diet as sugar and gluten do not agree with me – which can be really hard to remember around the holidays when there is so much delicious food lying around the house!

In order to help me to accomplish my health and fitness goals, I will also get back on track with practicing my Mindfulness. If you are unfamiliar with mindfulness it involves bringing a conscious awareness to your present experience. I first started practicing mindfulness in April 2014 as a way to help me to overcome the anxiety I was suffering from as a result of my accident and the related trauma. For me, mindfulness has worked wonders and my anxiety has decreased SO much! Which brings me to my big plans for 2016!

New Year, New Plans

palm tree skirt  palm tree skirt

Blazer: TJ Maxx, Tank: Dynamite, Necklace: Dynamite, Skirt: Winners, Fleece-lined tights: Burlington Coat Factory, Booties: Nine West

Mindfulness has been so helpful for me that I have decided to study to become a trainer of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. I want to be able to pass on what I have learned and how it has helped me to other people. This has been a goal of mine for a while and since I have some time off right now from my masters program I decided to get started. Next month I will be heading to Petaluma California for 10 days to do the first part of my MBSR training! I am very excited/apprehensive about it. Listening and learning for a long period of time is still hard for me and this will be a series of very long days in a row. It’s also my first time flying since the accident so I am heading out a few days earlier to rest up beforehand and I have also tacked a few days on to the end of the trip to recover.

I am so excited to go to California for a few days (even though I will mostly be in a conference center) that I decided to break out my palm tree print skirt! I picked up this skirt at Winners and I showed it on the blog before here. Palm trees are such a fun print and can really be worn anytime of the year. When I wore it this time I added the pop of pink with the tank to counteract the blah winter weather. I find that there is nothing better than wearing bright colours when it is gloomy outside to brighten your day!

I am really looking forward to this start of the next chapter in my life! I will take lots of pictures and share them here and on my Instagram. I’ve also created a Snapchat account: FrugalFashionEh so there will be some photos there as well

Thanks for reading!!

Charlene xoxo

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