How To Set Yourself Up For Success With Your New Years Resolutions

Every year on January 1st people set New Years resolutions. Ways that this year is going to be different. Only to either never make the changes or give up fairly quickly. So many years I make plans for myself and never keep them. Always saying this year will be different.


new years resolutions

How than can you set yourself up for success??

Reflecting back on the last year and being honest with yourself. Knowing who you are and what works for you. By setting goals that are SMART.

What are SMART goals? They are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based.

It’s not enough to just say I want to lose weight or eat better. You need to know how you are going to achieve your goal and when you are going to achieve it. Is it 10lbs? 5lbs? Be specific.

new years resolutions

How to be successful with your resolutions

When I look back at the last year, I can see areas that I need to continue to work on. I can also see what works for me and what doesn’t. I know where I want things to stay the same. And where I want things to change.

2016 was a big year for me. My blog has grown. I’ve travelled. A lot. And I’m now a qualified MBSR teacher after all of my mindfulness trainings. Plus I’m almost finished my Masters program! 🙂

Through some trial and error over the year I’ve learned that I can’t take on too many things at once. I’ve also learned what I need to do for my health and to help manage my migraines. These are some of the lessons I learned last year. And they have helped me when it comes to setting my goals for 2017.

I’m not going to get into the specifics of my goals because I want to let them unfold here on the blog as they happen. This year I’ve shifted my perspective and I am looking to be more focused and mindful in each of my tasks.

I have specific goals for my blog and I have created an action plan and a timeline for when I want to achieve them. By writing them using the SMART method I will know when I have achieved them.

I also have specific, measurable and attainable goals for my health. Creating a schedule that includes workouts, times to meditate, relax and complete my meal planning ensures that I can met my goals. It’s also flexible and realistic to allow for things to arise suddenly. Nothing in life is set in stone and things can change so quickly that it is important to allow for some breathing space.

Heading into 2017

This year most of my plans involve staying put, at least for the next few months. Some of my plans are for things later in the year. I have big plans and small ones. Mostly, I’m planning on focusing on what is needed now.

A mindfulness practice has taught me how to be more aware and present in my life. I can ask myself what is needed and then figure out a way to get it.

Moving forward this year I will be starting up my mindfulness business. If mindfulness is something that you are interested in learning more about, please reach out and ask me any questions. Coming in the next little I will be setting up some online mindfulness trainings. Sign up below if you want to be on the list for that.

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What are your plans and New Years Resolutions?


New Years Resolutions | Goal Setting | Mindfulness

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