The Two Things That Prevent Us From Happiness

Happy Monday!! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend!! This weekend my niece made her confirmation and I was her sponsor. It was sweet of her to ask me. We had a great day and the whole family went out to lunch afterwards to a buffet restaurant to celebrate – I definitely overdid it!!

Preventing ourselves from Finding Happiness

There are two things that prevent us from finding happiness in our lives. What are they? preventing ourselves from finding happiness, motivation, inspiration, quote

  1. Living in the past – when we spend too much time thinking about the things that we did that we wish that we hadn’t. Or even focusing on how things did not go the way that we wanted them to. I know that for me there are certain thoughts that I constantly bring up from the past. Things I said or did that I wish I hadn’t or things that I wanted that I didn’t get. Living in the past doesn’t get us anywhere. It just keeps us stuck in the past unable to move forward. This is why I am a huge fan of the practice of mindfulness. It teaches you how to be in the present moment and over time you spend less and less time thinking about the past. Rehashing, I for one am definitely guilty of this. It’s actually pretty amazing how much mental energy you can free up when you are actually present in the moment.
  2. Observing others – trying to keep up with the Joneses. In the blogging world, like any career world, this is something that I think a few of us do. We try to be like everybody else. To have what they have, to do things the way that they do instead of just being ourselves. We all want to be successful, I know that I definitely do, but spending all of our time watching what others are doing isn’t going to help us. Sure, picking up tips and tricks from other more successful people is a great strategy. But just because something worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for you.

I often find that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to finding happiness. Anyone else feel the same? Just me? Overthinking and rehashing things from the past. Comparing myself to others and then judging myself for not being at the same level. I have been told more than once that I am too hard on myself. Healthy competition is fine, and I am all for using someone else and their success as a goal post to strive towards. However, I realize that I need to recognize that what is right for someone else might not be what is right for me. It’s time to stop getting in my own way and preventing myself from finding the happiness that I want.

Charlene xoxo


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